Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Status update

My parents went this week to Debrecen - Hungary. They are already on their way back home. They will go back however for the treatment.My father was told by the doctors that he has cancer and that he may live from two to five years if the treatment goes well. While us the girls were happy hearing this news, for him this was a death sentence. I wonder what does he feels, what is he thinking when trying to fall asleep..I wonder if he still has broken dreams and unfinished business, I wonder if he is angry at his fate. I wonder if he is scared..

The treatment starts next week on the 18th of November. My mom will accompany him and together will be in Debrecen for six weeks, alone by themselves for the first time in the past 43 years. This will be their first Christmas without any of their children, grand-children or friends, away from home in a place where no-one speaks their language. I wonder how they must feel because I know exactly how it feels..

I was one time in line to buy a coffee from the heart Institute. While waiting I was listening a conversation between two men. I heard that one of the patients that supposed to have a heart transplant that morning, decided to call it quits while on the surgery table and exactly before he was about to be operated.
If you were to have the choice of getting a new heart and have 50-50 chances of living or dying same day, what would you choose? The 50-50 chances or the status quo for few other months? Will you take the chance of having a life full of new experiences or to die on the spot, or would you build memories with your family and wait to die in few months. Think about it. Every healthy person will tell you that they will chose the 50-50. Every ill person will tell you that they will just live those few months left to live. My point is that you do not really know how it feels to take such a decision until it happens to you. 

The cost of the treatment so far is around 6000 euros of which 1000 is the rental in the Campus area, 1000 is the radiation treatment, 3500 is the cost of the drugs for chemo and the rest is any additional test that he may get while in treatment.

Saturday I am holding a craft workshop at my place where 10 beautiful women will help me produce Christmas decorations and center pieces for my craft sale on the 18 of November. And although the reason of this get together is a sad one, the fact that we get to do something so great and beautiful it makes the reunion joyful and exciting.

Thank you to all my friends for support, it is a time of grief and need, but is a time of hope and human cohesion.

I will keep you updated with my father's health status throughout the treatment. I will call them tomorrow to hear my father and his feed back.

God bless.

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