Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The places with treatment for glioblastome

I am back home now. My sister Roxana had her baby the day my father was releasd from the hospital. I did not get to see the baby nor to be there for my father's release as I had to get back for work.
My father had ups and downs after surgery however now he is well. My mom is not in denial anymore, Roxana knows now what is going on.
Mirela turns out to be the strongest in handling this emotional roller coaster..Magda got sick because she never let it out..She did not go to see a doctor yet..
We are working like one - all four of us, we are suffering very much, but we understand that this is a battle and we will fight until last drop of hope and life.
We contacted all our friends to gather information for this battle. It is so difficult to find out the place with the most succesful survival rate for this form of cancer..

After I got home we found out the nature of my father's tumour: it is cancer. And not any kind but the worst kind. It is called Glioblastome Multiforme. I read all kind of blogs regarding this cancer and the odds are not great.
My father is still recovering after the surgery and we did not have the heart to tell him the truth about his illness.
He looks and behaves normal, his memory is intact and he is actually very emotional lately.
We tried to find a place to cure him, or at least a place where the hope is still alive.
This place is not in Bucharest.
We translated the results of his tests and of his surgery and we sent it to different professors in Europe.
We are not rich people so we have to admit that we have a problem..because of the amount of money a treatment like this will cost.
My friends told me that I should create a blog (which I did Karen, I hope you are proud of me) and to put myself out there, sharing this experience, and asking for ideas and donations.
I still did not create a pay pall account - not sure how to do that yet, but I'll get there.
Meanwhile I decided to sell all of my paintings because you see I am an artist as well.
I will also create centerpieces  for the Christams table and I will sell it 18 of November here in Ottawa.
I am all new on this money-making-for-a-cause process, so if anyone that sees this blog has another idea, just add your comments for me.

I want to thank to Dana G - my chilhood friend - to whom I only speak once in the blue moon - but who was there with us for this battle. She found us a contact and informations, she explained to us the results of the tests..She also told us not to expect miracles. Did I tell you that she is a doctor?

Flori V is a friend that never gives up on me she is the person that was there to help me with contacts and doctor's names and clinic's info.

Domni D another friend of mine that got the Hungary info for us, thank you my dear.

These are clinics that have cutting edge technology in treating glioblastome but they cost money..1. Hungary - Debrecen - price around 6000 Euros - cyberknife technique


Dr Almos, speaks english and the contact number is:


The address is: str Moricz Zsigmond ut #147

2. Anadolu Medical Center - Istanbul, Turcia - price around 20000 Euros - cyberknife techniqueClinic partner John Hopkins - USA
Contact for Romania
mobil +4 0762 28 77 89
email: ReprezentantAnadolu@yahoo.com
site: http://www.anadolumedicalcenter.com/
contact: Camelia BUCUR
 site ANADOLU:

3. Vienna - Austria AKH http://www.meduniwien.ac.at/strahlentherapie/en. - Price around 20000  euros (and up)or KREISS - Cancer center for alternative cancer therapy - Dr Thomas Kreiss tel: 439825767 fax 4319826992 - treatment classic and alternative for support.

4. Germany - Bed Meregentheim Hufeland clinic - treatment for cerebral cancer, tel 4979315360.

Clinical trials http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=%22Glioblastoma%22

5. Cluj - Romania - I do not have yet a site address but we found someone that has a contact there, we do not have yet the prices.

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