Monday, November 15, 2010

The sale - come and support my cause

The pieces that we created this past weekend will be sold at the Craft Sale organized on the 18th of November at Statistics Canada, building Jean Talon. All the money raised by selling them will go to my father's treatment against cancer. I want to invite everyone to come and see them. I will also have the paintings with me as well as some beautiful hand made cards.
I want to tell you that I have been touched by the angels this past weekend, they DO exist and they are among us.
Thank you girls for helping me and thank you my friends from my first place of work in Canada (I am  not sure if I can say the name without being accused of making advertising, can I?) your donations were amazing and the gesture absolutely angelic. Not only that you are great professionals you also are an example for any other human being.
Thank you Arlene, Sylviane, Lynne, Duneshka, Esther, Karen, Lorelai and Cristina. Your work this weekend was lovely. I love you all. I may have been tough on you and sometimes transparent but is me Geanina...the detail freak..Sorry lovelies, you are the best!
Thank you Laura for going through the "pain" with the craft paper and the decoupage of the penguins for my cards..
Next step is the sale and I hope everything will go well. I will keep you updated.
God bless!

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