Tuesday, November 23, 2010

First day of radiation therapy and chemo in Debrecen

My father started the treatment. Yesterday he started chemo. Originally he should have started the radiation same day however the technician thought that he needs a second simulation.
Today he went and had a second simulation, it appears that it was good in the first place. There is a mask that he needs to wear every treatment which is strapped around the neck, back of head, etc .
Yesterday the technician strapped him too tight around the neck and because of that father swallowed too often. As a result the mask had a small deviation from where it supposed to be placed for the beam of radiations. This mask has also a hole on exact spot where the tumor used to be, so the radiation will hit only that portion of the brain leaving the rest of it intact.
Today everything went well. He did not have any pain nor nausea caused by the treatment. It looks too good to be true, but we are positive and we are continuing this journey.
Mom is positive as well, the anxiety of being by themselves in a foreign country started to dissipate.
They met there several other Romanian patients mostly from Transylvania. They heard other people cancer stories and they started to get their hope back.
Next week on Tuesday father will have blood tests done as part of the follow up of the first week of treatment.
I still have that knot in my stomach that it does not seem to disappear.  I wonder why.

As for my funds raising, it went very well. Thank you everybody who contributed to this. Words cannot begin to describe how grateful I feel.

I have some pics that my sister Magda took when she left my parents in Debrecen.

 It looks nice, but of course my parents do not seem to be aware of how nice are the surroundings. Probably they are still scared.

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