Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nearly three weeks of treatment

The treatment is going well. My father still feels fine, no major health issues. He got a cold out of nowhere and he feels tired. The treatment will end on the 3rd of January. He said that his doctor Mr Klekner is a great man, kind and knowledgeable. Father trusts his doctor. Tuesday the doctor will take another set of blood tests. The doctor thinks that father has some kind of bladder problems. I guess we will need to wait till Tuesday to see what is all about.
Mirela succeeded to buy the last 5 boxes with temodal in Pitesti my home town. Magda is going to Hungary on the 16th of December and gets back on the 17th. We do not trust the post service to send the temodal to my father by mail.
Is getting harder and harder to find this treatment, we will have to have this stress forever now. Every month is another challenge.
Mom seemed to me fine, we all know that is not true but she is a strong woman, aren't we all?
I gained weight like crazy since all this started. I eat on stress.
I still have days when I cry and I feel gray but this is not about me. Life goes on and dad is still alive, what more do I need?

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