Thursday, March 10, 2011

The follow up with the Hungarian doctor

This week my parents went to Hungary for a follow up check up.
It appears that on my father's brain there are two signs that could be either scars from the prior surgery or two roots of two new tumours.
The doctor said that is to soon for him to tell that father is entirely cancer free. He gave my father two more sessions of chemo, and he is expecting my father back the end of April.
My father still believes that all this was just a doctor "mambo-jumbo" and that he was (Imagine) healthy before the surgery and he never had cancer..So he is still in denial. I am not expecting him to embrace cancer but I hoped he will be reasonable about it. But he is not. Although he should not drive any longer he wants to go by himself in Hungary in April. If you try to talk him out he will be very depressed thinking that we are treating him this way because we do not consider him normal due to his brain surgery (which he should never had done in his opinion).
Mom is very tired of all this, dad is very difficult to live with lately.
Life goes on, we are happy for now, and for this second we will hope that dad will be himself again.

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