Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What to do

Recently I have thought that I should have a vacation. I want to go again to New York , for at least just a long weekend. I haven't decided yet because I am not sure what is going to happen with my father..
I talked with Magda, my sister, and I felt selfish. She will not go in vacation until things with my father are not getting better. That means that she will sacrifice her family vacation for the greater good.
I do not know what to do.
It is wrong of me to think of a vacation?
What if something happens to my father while I am gone?
What then?
Can I just let things go?
Can I continue leaving my life as before?
And if the answer is yes, why do I feel so guilty??
I am far, I do nothing for my father and my family in general, should I go ahead with my life "business as usual"?
The other day I was telling to Ovidiu (my hubby) that I feel the need to paint again...To create something, to be someone, to make a difference..
And yet I do nothing..
My life is boring.
I have nothing to offer, I do nothing for "the greater good".
I want to volunteer to Ottawa Mission, I want to be part of the Ottawa Youth Program, and yet, I do nothing. Why is that? I am too tired? I am too busy, what in the hell am I? I am just passive and indifferent? Do I neglect my friends? Do I neglect my family? Do I neglect my father? Did I lose hope? Am I losing faith in God? Am I a bad person?
I feel like a major failure. Another low.
That says something: I either need a shrink or I need to run another 6 km tomorrow. Or maybe is just the PMS talking.

Peace out.

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